Melna Bite

Created a new modern website for the restaurant and increased the number of reservations through the website by 17 times.

website development
targeted advertising
reputation marketing

0 X

Increase in website traffic

0 %

Increase in ROMI performance

0 X

Increase in website CRO


A well-known restaurant in Old Riga approached us to increase their restaurant occupancy. Previously, the marketing promotion was carried out by the company's internal resources. The client had an outdated website, which showed low conversion rates (less than 1%), and in some months the ROMI was -30%. It was important for the restaurant to have a full house, especially on weekdays during the day.

What We Did?

We analyzed the existing website and found that its low conversion rate was due to outdated design and poor UI/UX. Users were leaving the website without making a reservation due to its inconvenient usability. The only option was to call the phone number, whereas users, especially tourists, prefer to reserve a table through a reservation form.
Created a convenient and functional landing page with detailed descriptions, the ability to view the menu, and book a table directly on the website. The restaurant's location attracts a large number of tourists, so we simultaneously worked to improve the restaurant's positions on TripAdvisor and Google Maps, packaged the page on Instagram, and launched targeted advertising for tourists in the Old Town region.

The Results of Our 3-Month Work

Created a high-conversion and UI/UX optimized website
Improved user experience and engagement through the website
Increased the number of reservations through the website by 20 times
Established a foundation for further marketing efforts.

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